Employment Posting Guidelines


Virginia Chapter of NENA Employment page is provided as a service to public safety agencies within the Commonwealth of Virginia. Acceptable postings include any 9-1-1 related job from a governmental entity (PSAP (primary or otherwise), consolidated PSAP, city, county, town, state, etc.) For-profit vendors and organizations posting are not accepted on this website.

Virginia NENA reserves the right to refuse any posting request not meeting the above criteria. Virginia Chapter of NENA is not responsible for any job posting. The posting agency is solely responsible for the content and accuracy of the listing. It is the agencies responsibility to check the posting within 24 hours of being notified the listing has been posted and report any discrepancies to the webmaster for corrective action.

Posting Agencies

Posting agencies must provide the start date of the posting, closing date of the posting, and contact information of the individual responsible for the posting. If the removal date is not the same as the closing date, the removal date must be provided.

Open-ended (perpetual) will remain on the website until the December 31st following the original posting date. If the agency wishes to continue the posting beyond this date, the responsible party must inform the webmaster prior December 31st.

Please download and complete the Employment Posting Request, being sure to include all information. Once complete, please email the form to the Virginia NENA President for approval - president@virginia-nena.org

Employment Posting Request Form.pdf


Prospective job applicants should always verify the availability of any position posted on this website with the advertising agency. Never assume the posting is still valid with checking first. All questions about a posting must be directed to the responsible agency, not Virginia NENA or NENA.


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