Virginia NENA News

Join us for the

2014 Virginia NENA / APCO Annual Spring Conference

Virginia Beach, VA
May 14 - 16, 2014

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About Virginia Chapter of NENA

The organization is known as the VIRGINIA CHAPTER OF THE NATIONAL EMERGENCY NUMBER ASSOCIATION (VIRGINIA NENA). The Constitution and Bylaws describes the organization's purpose to be:

  1. Lead in the development, availability,implementation and enhancement of a universal emergency telephone number common to all jurisdictions through research, planning, training, and education;

  2. Represent its members before communication regulatory agencies and policy making bodies and appropriate; and strive toward citizens having immediate access to emergency public safety services so that safety of human life, protection of property, and civic welfare are benefited to the utmost degree;

  3. Aid and assist in the timely collection and dissemination of information relating to a universal emergency telephone number;

  4. Enable all citizens to have immediate access to emergency public safety services so that safety of human life, protection of property and civic welfare are benefited to the utmost degree; and

  5. Provide for membership in the Association in accordance with the language and intent of its Constitution and By-laws, which are now, and may later be, in effect. Membership shall not be limited other than by classification and good character, and shall have such rights and privileges as may be provided from time to time.


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